※詳細推薦介紹內含30片雙面地板拼圖》》使用【地板大拼圖】My First Puzzle Set-Farm心得詩桃你看這個使用【地板大拼圖】My First Puzzle Set-Farm心得。爆強的啦!網購是一種消費趨勢,可以方便找便宜東西,往往買到低價東西,我發現Y!奇摩購物要比燦坤購物、goHappy購物更有競爭力。去找了各種推薦文、官網報導, (。◕‿◕。) 凝絲說用yahoo搜尋婦幼,玩具,拼圖串珠拼貼,基礎拼圖會有更詳盡訊息。這個機會真的很難得,希望跟我一樣狂掃最後超值活動!
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Children will enjoy learning all about life on the farm with this colorful photographic book and
puzzle set.Assembling the durable, double-sided puzzle helps to improve
problem-solving skills
while stimulating hand-eye coordination.Picking up and placing puzzle pieces also improves
motor skills and creative thinking.
NOTE: This is a Scratch and Dent book and may have noticeable
dents, scratches and various other cosmetic issues as well as torn or missing dust jacket.
These items are only guaranteed to be structurally complete and readable
and therefore are sold as is.